【同义词辨析】 2018-09-04 敏锐incisive-crisp

incisive: implies a power to impress the mind by directness and decisiveness: an ~ command that left no room for doubt. (decisive决定性的: 如a decisive battle决定性战斗)

trenchant: implies an energetic cutting or probing that defines differences sharply and clearly or reveals what is hidden: a ~ critic of political pretensions. (probe调查和problem问题的词根都是prob表示证明prove)

clear-cut: suggests the absence of any blurring, ambiguity, or uncertainty of statement or analysis: made a ~ distinction between the two military actions.

cutting: implies a ruthless accuracy or directness that is wounding to the feelings and may suggest sarcasm, harshness or asperity : makes the most ~ remarks with that quiet voice.

biting: adds a greater implication of harsh vehemence or ironic force and suggests a power to impress deeply the mind or memory: a biting commentary on the election.

crisp: suggests both incisiveness and vigorous terseness: jurors were impressed by the witness's ~ answers.   terse简洁利索,如a terse reply简洁的回复)

incisive有力: 思想或语言率直有力,让人印象深刻,trenchant尖锐: 表示有分析调查(cut,probe)能力,能揭露差异隐藏的东西,clear-cut清晰: 没有模糊歧义疑惑,cutting伤人: 伤人感情准确率直,如说严厉尖锐讽刺的话(asperity粗暴严厉,形容脾气),biting伤人: 同上,程度更强些,crisp明快: 既有力简洁

记忆方法: 1)首字母ITCCBC中3个C想成三个中国人BIT有点<==都比较敏锐

         2)敏锐的意思是思维灵敏机警mean having or showing or suggesting a keen alertness of mind. (keen敏锐,即思维快速准确,如a keen observer of politics敏锐的政治观察家) (alert机警,指随时准备应对困难机会readiness and promptness in meeting danger or opportunity, 如alert traders anticipated the stock market's slide机警的投机者预料到股市下滑 )